An Egyptian singer, Amr Diab is known as the Father of Mediterranean Music and has created his own style which is often termed "Mediterranean Music" or "Mediterranean Sound", a blend of Western and Arabic rhythms. (Wikipedia)
Can't say a word, but this song is so sweet. Find the complete song here
We Heya Amla Aeh Delwat (How is She Doing)
I wonder how she is doing now...
and who is consoling her?
oh tell me if it helps her not to see her and make it up with her?
I know I have hurt her?
shall I go to her or leave her until she calms down?
I imagine her sitting speechless and composed?
not complaining or crying?
I understand her?
she never shows it when she is hurt...
she rarely cries unless the pain is intolerable?
I won?t blame her if she forgets me?
I broke her heart?
I hurt her feelings...
please tell her to rest assured?
I love her but no?
don't tell her anything?
I am sure she can feel my sorrows as well?
We Heya Aeh Aemla Delwat - AMR Diab
Aku takut
14 years ago
Ya tuhan, pas baca di blog roll, aku udah penasaran apa itu judul postingannya.
Udah mikir2,
"bahasa daerah manaaaa itu?"
"apa baca dari belakang, ya?"
"oh, mungkin harus pake cermin"
hehe, ternyata... :D
Ps: so sorry i miss ur email abt ur son..... :(
Oh my dear EmyZ. Thanks sooo much. Masih sempat juga ya cek cek page kita. I read your message commenting on Fiqoh's note today. I was gatel aja pengen komentar .. tapi ntar bikin terlalu rame. Dinda juga muncul di situ. Jadi bikin kangen the Selasa night time!
Aniwei, bet you like the song! Hayooo .. ngakuuu hihihih
Subuh subuh abis sholat, aku puter streaming ... rasanya kayak lagi di padang Arafah, eh salah, di padang pasir he he he he
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